Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sabre Spirngs Important Information Regarding Car Burglaries

From Officer Phet Guiney.

Sabre Springs has seen a significant increase in Car Burglaries. There were several cases where women left their purses in their cars, parked inside their garages with doors unlocked or windows opened.
San Diego Police would like to remind you that there are ways to prevent Auto Thefts and Car Burglaries in your area.

………………..Don’t make your property an EASY target……………….

Please remember these simple steps to avoid becoming a victim:

 Never leave your car running unattended
 Close all windows and lock your doors
 Remove all property worth stealing from view
 If you spend money for security devices, USE THEM every time you leave your car unattended
 DO NOT leave any money visible in the car
 Park in lighted areas or garage (if possible)

Officers are patrolling the area, however, we could use your help. If you see a crime in progress, get a good description and call 911 with as much information as possible. If you become a victim, please call
(858)484-3154, and a report will be taken.

Together, we CAN make a difference!