Sabre Springs Planning Group
January 20, 2010
6:30 p.m.
Carmel Mountain Ranch/Sabre Springs Recreation Center1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of meeting minutes (November 18, 2009)
4. Approval of agenda
5. Chair’s report – CPC report, project updates, and outside committees
6. Non Agenda Public Comment – speakers may be limited to 3 minutes or less
7. Police report – Officer Susan Steffen
8. Reports from Offices of Elected Officials
a. 75th State Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher’s Office – Oscar Urteaga
b. County Supervisor Pam Slater- Price’s Office – Mark Olson
c. Mayor Jerry Sanders’ Office – Stephen Lew
d. Councilmember Carl DeMaio’s Office – John Ly
9. Community Planner’s Report – Tony Kempton
10. Information Items
a. None.
11. Action Items
a. Sabre Springs Parkway – Traffic Engineering Issues (Time certain:
7 p.m. - 45 min.) The city will present the results of their survey and findings of traffic issues and pedestrian/bicyclist safety on Sabre Springs Parkway. The planning group will discuss and possibly vote in regards to the report.
b. Angled Parking on Evening Creek Drive North and South (15 min.) Discuss and vote on installing angled parking near the business park along Evening Creek Drive North and South. (See city letter attachment.)
c. Medical Marijuana Task Force Recommendations (15 min.)
Discuss and vote on the zoning and land use recommendations of the Medical Marijuana Task Force regarding marijuana dispensing cooperatives and collectives. The city is seeking input from planning groups before it takes further action on this item; it is also scheduled to be heard by the Community Planners Committee at its February 23 meeting and will be going to the city council’s Land Use & Housing committee this March. (See chairman’s letter to City Council, Task Force recommendations, and other attachments.)
d. Fiscal Year 2011 Sabre Springs Maintenance Assessment District Budget (15 min.)
Discuss and vote on the SSMAD FY11 budget. Rachele Melious, chair of the SSMAD subcommittee, will present the committee’s recommendation. (See budget attachment.)
Sabre Springs Planning Group (
January 20, 2010
6:30 p.m.
Carmel Mountain Ranch/Sabre Springs Recreation Center
e. Sabre Springs Planning Group Bylaws (5 min.)
Discuss and vote on creating a bylaws subcommittee. It is recommended that the committee would be tasked with reviewing the existing bylaws and recommending changes to them. (See bylaws attachment.)
f. Planning Group Elections (5 min.)
Discuss and vote on creation of an elections subcommittee. It is recommended that the committee be tasked with conducting outreach and preparing the planning group for the upcoming March elections.
12. Next Meeting: March 17, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
13. Adjournment
If you have questions about this meeting, please call Craig Balben, Chairman, Sabre Springs Planning Group at 858-486-1583. This information will be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request an agenda format, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 235-5200 at least five working days prior to the meeting to insure availability. Assistive Listening Devices (ALD's) are available for the meeting upon request.
Angled Parking Docs
November Meeting Minutes
January Agenda
Medical Marijuana Report to Council
Jan Goldsmith Report
Cities and Counties
AG Guidlines
City Attorney Report
Sabre Springs Chair Letter